March 17, 2011

Spring Green {and a winner}

This past Saturday, while my husband staked out the lines for our new fence,
I tried to capture the spring green appearing in our yard. was easy to see how much work is needed in our yard...  
work that includes removing these lilies that grow too close to the house,
weeding the flower beds,
adding new mulch,
and preparing the garden for the upcoming planting...

However, for now, I am just trying to concentrate on the beauty of the season,
and the fresh, new green appearing. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A warm thank you to everyone who entered the recent giveaway,
and congratulations to

you won the $35 gift card to CSN Stores!

1 comment:

  1. Oh My goodness.. I am so flattered.. I have never won anything!!! seriously..AAAA!!!! what an awesome gift.. now can ya tell me what I should buy :)... Thank you Thank you!


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