October 4, 2014

Thrive: Student Edition - A Review

This has never happened to me. In the four plus years of blogging and occasionally reviewing of books, I have never received a book for review which I had to pry from my two oldest children's hands. Literally.

It arrived one afternoon at the end of September with the UPS delivery man ringing our bell and our dog barking. After being shuffled through multiple hands, the package landed in mine.

What book is it? they wanted to know.

Ripping back the brown wrapping, I revealed the cover.

"Oh, I love that song," my youngest daughter sighed as she read the title.

"Yes, this is a book about the meaning behind the song," I explained.

"Mine!" shouted one of the older two children.

"I want to read it first," declared the other.

"Hold on," I laughed. "This is for review. I need to read it and write about it first, before either of you get it."

"Then I'll read it," one persisted. "I read faster."

"Alright," the other consented, admitting it was true.

"Mom, can I see it at least?" one asked while reaching for ripping the book from my hands.


With this kind of pressure, I read the book in two days. Actually, I think I would have read it quickly without my teens constantly asking for the book. It was compelling. I enjoyed the personal antidotes and the practical teaching it contained.

The Book
Split into two main sections, Thrive: Student Edition concentrates on helping teens dig deep and reach out. In the "Digging Deep" section, Hall explains how to have a flourishing relationship with Jesus. The second section: "Reaching Out" covers how to serve others and share God's love. Taken together, the two sections offer a balanced approach to living the Christian life.

These two sections are divided into a total of 30 shorter chapters. The book would lend itself well to a devotional style reading of one chapter reading per day. Each chapter includes one main "Point to Remember," which would serve well as thoughts to ponder throughout the day.

Topics such as looking at life with a Biblical view and evangelism are covered thoroughly with everyday language and personal allegories.

Overall, Hall's approach is relational and it reflects in his writings. Students will feel validated in their experiences and challenged to thrive in their lives by knowing Jesus better and reaching out to others.

As someone who works with youth in a youth group setting, I appreciated Hall's way of relating to teens in this book. It was real and heartfelt. He communicated strong truths effectively.

More importantly, as a parent, I am quite excited to hand this book over to my two teens. Each will have the opportunity to read and ponder Hall's words about thriving. It is my hope and prayer for each of my children...that they will grow ever closer to Jesus and continue to reach out to others sharing His love.
~ Dorie

Fine Print: I received this book in exchange for a review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

1 comment:

  1. i am so glad you reviewed this.. Hubby and I did the 30 days to thrive devotional..loved it....and I am glad that they book follows with more awesomeness!


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