February 8, 2013

Five Fun Facts on a Friday

1. One of our children had strep throat last weekend, which meant we declined an invitation to a Super Bowl party. We're all for sharing, but not germs.

To make a fun afternoon, despite the disappointment, we devised a family friendly competition. Enter in our family's Wii Bowl, complete with pseudo-names, winner brackets, and a trophy made from recycled paper products wrapped in duct tape. There was a highly sophisticated point system in which players strived to maintain the lowest scores. I came in fifth. Yes, I did no justice to my super hero name Wonder Woman.

2. Currently, I am reading through The Chronicles of Narnia series. I finished The Horse and His Boy, which I kept inadvertently calling The Boy and His Horse. The children kept adamantly correcting me. This week I started Prince Caspian. I doubt I can mess up that title. There are a few nonfiction books sitting on my shelf to read as well.

3. My in-laws are getting a possible 'storm of the century' and I am still hoping for one good snow day. I briefly considered an impromptu trip to visit them...it didn't happen. Since I posted on Monday, we've had rain, snow showers, and a surprising burst of hail one day, but no large accumulation...sigh.

4. I made homemade mac and cheese on Tuesday. Ah, is there anything more cheesy, in a good way? It was taste bud bliss!

5. I made my youngest son a dragon puppet. Seriously, it is pretty cool. Its legs and wings can be moved by wires. Meanwhile, our attempt at origami faltered. We were making cygnets. My bird looks like a hummingbird. He asked his older brother for help, which worked out well. Though I am not sure if I have ever seen a yellow zebra striped cygnet. Or a green spotted hummingbird for that matter either.

Hope your week was fun, too!
~ Dorie


  1. rain here today...i'm glad for the rain but snow would be nice since it's winter!

    sounds like a great weekend!! :)

  2. Sounds like a fun week :) Hope you got snow this weekend - we have about 6 inches that fell, although with temps going up into the 50s I have a feeling it won't last long :)

    1. us - no snow, seriously...and my in-laws - three feet...

  3. Found you on the February Bloggy Moms Blog Hop and I have nominated you for the Liebster award. You can find the details on my blog here : http://amomreportingforduty.blogspot.com/2013/02/drumroll-please.html

    -April @ Reporting for Duty


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