December 3, 2012

Why Christmas Isn't About Traveling Home much as it is about going.

It takes me years to understand.

The true message of Christmas isn't all about being with family. It isn't all about traveling home to have a white Christmas. It isn't always gathering around a warm fireplace popping corn as silver bowed gifts lie under a lighted tree.

The true message of Christmas is going.
It is leaving the warmth of our comfortable lives and
going to those who need to hear.
Going to those who need to feel warmth, love, acceptance.
Because He left the warmth of His home and went.
He came to us.

The true message of Christmas is giving.
It is taking what we have, what we are, and
giving to those in need.
Giving to those who need to feel warmth, love, acceptance.
Because when He came to us,
He gave Himself.

~ Dorie

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