September 26, 2012

The Measure of Wealth and Time

The two items that elude most of and time.  There is usually never enough of each.  However, lately, I have begun looking at both a whole lot differently.  No, I have not gone from my cup is half empty to my cup is half full kind of perspective.  Indeed, I have gone a bit further...into my cup runneth over

For both money and time, my cup runneth over.

When did I start measuring money by our Valentine's care?

The extra money saved by couponing can go toward another month of Compassion care or a mosquito net to save a few lives.  That extra money which never stretched to fit our frivolous desires can be better spent on helping to meet another's need.

When did I start measuring time by a loved one's chemo therapy cycle?

The days that I wasted in idle, worthless pursuits are lessening in frequency.  Each morning, I arise and know it is indeed a gift to breathe.  It is a gift to spend moments with my children no matter how hectic or challenging the eventsFor we know not when this day will be our last.  It is with this keen perspective I choose how to spend my moments and times.


How much money is enough?  How much time is enough?

These are questions I can not answer.  Nor will I try.  Only the Lord knows how much is enough for each of us, and sets the boundaries and limits in our lives.  Only we can decide how to spend these resources of money and time.

May we each choose wisely.
~ Dorie


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.