May 16, 2012

Wait No More - A Review

Did you know May is National Foster Care Month

Did you know the following statistic?

"In the United States, there are approximately 114,000 kids waiting for families and more than 300,000 churches.  If only one family in every other church would adopt a waiting child, we could eliminated the list of waiting children."
- Kelly & John Rosati, Wait No More, page 170.

The Rosatis practice what they preach.  Having adopted not one, nor two, but four children from the foster care system, the Rosatis have years of experience with the foster care system.  They share their family's unique journey in their new book Wait No More.

Filled with the ups and downs of their adoption experiences, the reader learns of the joy and heartbreaks of each child's journey to the Rosati family.  There are painful moments when readers learn of some of the family situations of children in foster care, but above all there is a sense of triumph as God's grace and mercy flows through the pages.  It is a book testifying to the love of God and the difference He has made, and continues to make, in one family following His leading.  Whether you are considering adoption through the foster care system or not, I would recommend reading this book. 

Though not everyone is called to adopt, everyone is called to care for the orphans.

"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this:
to visit the orphans and widows in their affliction,
and to keep oneself unstained from the world."

In the spirit of the quote of the Rosatis, I took a bit of liberty here, and want to share this with you...
Did you know that according to the National Foster Care Month website, there are currently 408,000 children and youth in America's foster care system?

Did you know that according to the US Census Bureau, over 2.1 million people in America claimed Evangelical Christian as their religion on the 2010 census?

Staggering when you consider that if only 20% of Evangelical Christians would obey the Lord's command to meet the needs of orphans and widows, then the almost half a million children and youth in the American foster care system would be helped.

They need our help.  There are countless ways to help.  Click here for more information.  Or, if you are looking to work with a Christian organization, perhaps Christian Alliance for Orphans would be a place to start.
~ Dorie

Disclosure: I received a copy of Wait No More from Tyndale House Publishers in exchange for an honest review.

1 comment:

  1. Dorie. I will get a copy of that book. It goes right to the heart of where He has me; grieving for the poorest of the poor/ the least of these. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.


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