April 13, 2012

When No Good Bye Is Said

Every so often, I get a bit of courage and try my hand at the 5 Minute Friday prompt.  Today's prompt: Good Bye


He holds my hand tight as I walk and he toddles through the parking lot.  Looking up through the spiral curls crowning his head, he smiles wide and baby teeth appear.  Adjusting the baby carrier crooked on my left arm, I sigh.  Can I make it to the carts at the doorway carrying one and holding another's hand?

She holds my hand tight as we walk through the parking lot.  Looking up, pig tails dance on her head, she smiles and laughs.  She swings my arm and her older brothers.  His cropped head shimmers in the sunshine as he turns to look at her.  He scowls.  Not wanting to be attached to anyone, my big boy wants to walk on his own, but a three year old on his own in a busy parking lot while my hands are full is not ideal.  Adjusting the baby carrier crooked on my left arm, I sigh.  Can I make it to the carts at the doorway carrying one and holding a two passenger human train?

She holds my hand tight as we walk through the parking lot.  Looking up through glistening sun splashed hair she squeezes my hand tightly.  Her brother and sister walk in front of us talking about the upcoming family trip.  Grown up at seven and six, they chatter about the car ride to endure.  Hearing their words, my companion asks for a 'good snack' for the trip.  Adjusting the baby carrier crooked on my left arm, I sigh.  Can I make it to the carts at the doorway carrying one, holding a hand, and guiding two more?

He holds my hand tight as we walk through the parking lot.  Dressed in Easter finest, three children skip ahead slightly.  Looking up, my youngest smiles.  My heart breaks at the sight, knowing how quickly the hand slips out and journeys forward.  An ending with no good bye said.  Holding back the tears, we walk together toward the door.


~ Dorie


  1. Beautiful writing here! I especially enjoyed how you wrote about "goodbye" without goodbye itself ever being said. So glad I visited today!

    1. Thanks so much! I have to confess I was a bit concerned about that - not using the prompt word so much in the post. Good bye was on my heart the entire time I was writing the post, but it just didn't flesh out in the words. So glad you enjoyed it.

  2. precious - my baby is my three year old... i miss those baby carrier days. as we've sold and given away the littlest baby things this time, i've found that while i don't have to say goodbye to the person, we do say goodbye to who they were before as we say hello to who they are becoming. those goodbyes, while always painful and at least a bit sad - welcoming in those amazing hellos that follow do make it worth it.

  3. AW...that pulls at my heart strings. My three are all in college now and they have definitely pulled away. Not a bad thing...just a sad thing.

  4. I came by through UBP and became GFC follower. I came to read this and was so impressed with the writing that I have added you to my feed. It is great to get to know other bloggers who are believers also.


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