March 21, 2012

On the First Day of Spring

The last day of winter felt more like a mid-spring day.  Wearing short sleeves and no coats, we traveled to beautiful flowered gardens.  We met my sister and nieces who are on spring break.  Walking the paths, we saw gorgeous blooming trees.

Inside the conservatory, we saw many more beautiful blossoms.

And, I must confess to liking this particular fountain tremendously.

Once we returned home, I notice that our daffodils were budding, about a month earlier than usual.

The very next day, on the first day of spring, I looked out our kitchen window and saw the yellow blossoms blooming.

Situated behind the daffodils are the golden forsythia bushes.

What beautiful blessings to behold at the beginning of spring!  It all reminded me of these verses...

"Remember not the former things,
nor consider the things of old.
Behold I am doing a new thing;
now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?"
Isaiah 43:18-19a

I am ever so grateful for this season of newness and its reminder of new life!
~ Dorie

Linked to Word-Filled Wednesday at Internet Cafe Devotions.


  1. beauty everywhere!

    1. Indeed, God has blessed us with abundant beauty and goodness in His creation. To think not only did He make it all functional, but beautiful as well, amazing!

  2. Isn't it lovely outside?! I am so enjoying the blooming flowers!

    1. Yes, me too! And, it is so early this year that I find myself marveling at the beauty even more.

  3. I love Spring that brings the new! And I love that God loves doing a new thing in us. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Yes, I, too love how He makes things new, and the reminder each spring.

  4. I LOVE spring but it is so dry up here in the mountains I won't mind if it snows. Your photos were beautiful :)

    1. Oh how we had hoped for snow just a month ago. We barely got any this past winter, and now with this early spring we kinda feel like there was no winter...

  5. Amazing photos... and you captured those orchids in the most amazing way.. Love the composition...

    1. Aw, thanks so much! It was such a fun day, and the beauty was amazing. I was trying out different angles and vantage points trying to capture a little of that beauty.

  6. I loved all your beautiful flowers. Would you mind if I pinned the one of your blue flower on Pinterest. It is a place where we share pretty things we see on websites. I'm sure many would want this lovely flower on their boards. It would link back to your post. Blessings ~

    1. Your so sweet! The blue flower one is my husband's favorite too.

  7. Oh, I need to go there...never have!

    I think it wise that you are watermarking your photos. What are you using?

  8. You can click on my Pinterest site at my blog, Annette. :) I still want the pretty blue flower! Dorie, please let me know if I can pin it to my Board. I'm sure many would want to repin it. :)


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