February 29, 2012

Compassion on a Shoe String Budget

I don't have money to sponsor a child. 

Maybe you've said it. 
I know we have.

But, we really needed to say: How can we not?  We have so much, and these children so little.  Would it really be that difficult to find the money each month to sponsor a child?

And, so we did. 

We asked the hard questions, and swallowed harder at the answers. 

Truthfully, some months extra money is difficult to find on our ever changing shoe string budget. 

Yet, our hearts wanted to do this. 
How could we look into their eyes and so no? 
Our hearts broke.

But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need,
yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? 
Little children, let us not love with word or talk,
but in deed and in truth.
I John 3:17-18

Was there a way?

there was, there is.

Rather than wait until the budget belt loosens enough to start supporting a child with a line in our budget every month, we made the commitment to help another. 

We have.  They need.
We give.  They receive.
We are all blessed.

Some months are easy.  The funds are readily available.  Other months are harder.  By doing without a want, funds  become available.  On the hardest of months, when we can't stretch the budget any further, we earn the money, usually by selling off unused household items.  The first month this happened, we sold some formal wear clothing, hardly used and no longer needed,
for $38. {The cost to sponsor a child.}

It is a way,
a way to help another.
~ Dorie

Can't make a monthly monetary commitment? 
There are many other ways to help children in need.
Some places to visit, for more information:
World Vision


  1. What a lovely post Dorie!

  2. Your own grace and compassion shine through your blog. Thank you!

  3. Beautiful post, Dorie! Did you know that if you can't afford to sponsor (or want to help more children than you can actually sponsor), Compassion also lets you sign up to be a correspondence sponsor.

    1. Marla, I did not know about correspondence sponsorship. What a wonderful way to help! Thank you for sharing it.

  4. Good Kingdom work!! Thanks for welcoming me back to blog land! Always nice to hear from you dear!!


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