December 12, 2011

The Way We Travel

In a couple weeks, the year will end, and with it, my year-long journey reading straight through the Bible.  It is my second time reading straight through in a row.  The first was over a period of 75 days, using an accelerated 90 day reading schedule.  It was like taking an airplane ride. 

I saw the 'lay of the land' including main themes and how parts were inter-related. 

This time, the 365 day reading schedule is more like a car ride passing through states, watching the landscape change from hills, plains, mountains, deserts, to finally sandy shores on a cross country road trip. 

It takes about four times longer.  With the slower pace, I see more details.

Years ago, when I spent 16 weeks studying the four chapters of Philippians in depth, that was like taking a stroll among one part of the landscape, stopping to examine every rock, tree, and leaf.

Just like airplane travel, car rides, and leisure strolls have their place and purpose in our lives, so do the different ways we can read through and study God's Word.  No matter what mode of transportation, there is much to be observed and learned on the journey.
~ Dorie


  1. Neat descriptions of travel through your readings/ studying of the Bible. I've read through the Bible straight once before, took longer than a year for me though. What a blessing it was.

  2. What a beautiful analogy of describing bible readings!

    I have always tried to read the bible in a year, but I never made it, ugh! I was able to do it in 90 days once, and that was informative, but "crazy!" Maybe one day, I'll learn to stop and "smell the roses" as I learn to discipline myself to read the bible within a years time.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.