December 28, 2011

Seven out of Ten

7 out of 10
words correct, not bad for a spelling test.

7 out of 10
hits, excellent for a batting average. 
At least I think it may be, not too much of a baseball stats kind of gal.

7 out of 10
weeks, a trying amount of time for a husband to have to travel away from his family.

His travel is over, and I have learned a great deal through it.  A lot about myself, communication, and asking for help. 

However, I think I may have grown the most in is appreciation for my mom.  My dad traveled for work all my youth.  It was hard on us as children, but I never grasped how hard it was for my mom.  Until now.

This past season of life has fostered a larger appreciation for the woman who walks the path of life ahead of me, stops, turns, and offers her hand in help and understanding as I stumble and falter as a mom. 

Today, as I look at my daughters, I hope that I can do the same for them when, Lord willing, they are blessed to be moms.
~ Dorie


  1. It's all perspective for 7/10.

    So glad you've grown and learned...and have new respect for your mom!

  2. ...truly a blessing through it all.

  3. wow - that is a lot of travel on him and you! Wonderful perspective!

  4. great perspective... and i have been there...My HUbby traveled a lot when the girls were little.. and I am not good at asking for help, or even receiving help..

    I hope I am a good steward of this knowledge for my girls


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