December 19, 2011

Not Worthy

I am not worthy

The thought stopped me for a week from truly receiving and enjoying his gift.  Oh, sure, I took it in my hands, looked the box over, thanked the Drummer, and even smiled at him, but I didn't open it. 

I couldn't open it. 

Instead, it sat on the floor for a week. 

Worse, it sat on the floor not two feet from where I sat day after day.  I could have reached out and touched it at any moment, but I chose not to...

because I felt unworthy.

Oh, how I wanted either the gift or me to disappear.

Silly, I know.  The Drummer went to the store, picked it out, and purchased it just for me.

But I, the receiver, felt unworthy, and wouldn't accept it...

After a few days, the Drummer grew annoyed, slightly angered, and disappointed.  Still I didn't budge.  I can be slightly stubborn. 

Until, I realized that he, the giver, thought I was worthy.  He, the one sacrificing to get me something really nice, was only asking me to accept his gift.

So I slowly opened the box, and carefully pulled out the contents, accepting his gift and making it mine. 

While I was checking out my new camera, I started to ponder if I do this with any of God's gifts....
Do I stubbornly refuse to accept His blessings because I think I am unworthy of them? 

For today, and most Mondays, I join Ann's Multitudes on Mondays, thanking the Lord for all the blessings He gives because He thinks I am worthy, and He knows best.  For these, I humbly say 'thank you, Lord' whether I understand or not, and receive His bountiful blessings.
~ Dorie

...continuing my gratitude listing...

831.  gifts given in love, with sacrifice

832.  hot oven baked oatmeal on frigid frosty mornings

833.  sipping steamy coffee curled up beside the lighted Christmas tree

834.  trying new seasonal recipes

835.  cinnamon ornaments filling our home with a spicy aroma

836.  little birds peeking out of homemade bird houses

837.  candied sweet potatoes served one evening because the children missed these on Thanksgiving

838.  walking among thousands of colorful lights

839.  watching a water fountain show set to Christmas carols

840.  trying gingerbread flavored hot cocoa

841.  an amazing parking spot at the mall during our quick trip

842.  going to a fun Christmas play at our church

843.  family get togethers

844.  capturing this moment:

845.  more gifts I don't deserve

846.  driving around looking at lights

847.  buying with purpose

848.  learning to use my new camera - not sure when I'll be posting pictures from it, but I will let you know when I make the switch

...and so it continues...


  1. Dorie - you are so worthy!! So loved!!

    I'm so excited that you got a new camera - I hope you enjoy playing with it and learning how to use it :) If you figure out aperture settings, could you let me know, please?!

  2. I'm sure we've all done this to His many gifts...Glad you have a Drummer who loves you...

  3. God uses the natural to point us to the spiritual...oh how we do measure our worthiness...I am so thankful He only gives out grace unmeasured...
    congrats on the camera...I was overwhelmed on mother's day with one as well....
    Blessings and may you receive all the Love God has for you...unmeritted...

  4. YOu Rock!!!! and are so worthy! and how wonderful... have fun with that..

    My friend, who often second shoots for me had a D40 that broke and Nikon gave her an upgrade to the 5100.. after shooting 700 and 300 for so long.. I am impressed with what this baby can do... Cannot wait to see you break it in

  5. What an incredible gift...have fun with it!!

  6. Oh how I struggle with this, too! The receiving is our worship!

    Rich blessings!


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