December 13, 2011

Homemade Christmas Gifts by Our Children

getting teacher appreciation gifts ready {day 13 of DPP}

Remember the drying cinnamon ornaments?  Well, this batch has served triple duty.  We originally started the batch in science co-op for a science demonstration.  Each child went home with their own ornament.  Then, there was enough mixture left over that our family cut out about ten more ornaments.  Which filled our home with a spicy scent as they dried.  Finally, the children decorated the dried ornaments with glitter glue.  These we will package today and distribute to various teachers, like my daughters' gymnastics instructors and piano teacher. 

If you are wondering, to package each ornament, we use clear plastic lollipop bags tied with curling ribbon, and attach a homemade card stock tag. 

Spoiler alert: To our closely related family.  Stop reading if you don't want to know what the children are making you this year.  If you proceed, well, you were warned...

The children are also in the process of making homemade coasters out of plastic beads for their aunts/uncles and grandparents.  They came up with the idea, chose the shapes and colors, created the patterns, and have been making the coasters for weeks now.

My sole job has been ironing. All was going well until last night. The wax paper moved slightly...and well, I spent twenty minutes cleaning melted plastic from my iron. That mishap aside, the coasters look lovely.  The three pictured above are my favorites.
~ Dorie


  1. They look wonderful! How creative and fun :) So glad you got your iron cleaned!

  2. I have had a similar mishap with the iron, too. Glad the ornaments were okay! Everything looks so great! Very festive.

  3. love this, my kids love the make the same things! :)

    blessings to you :)

    mountain mama


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