December 2, 2011

Foolishness? Perhaps...

The day dawned bright and crisp.   Skies blue with no traces of clouds.  Yesterday, we had been out until dark tending the yard, preparing it for winter.  Today, I gazed out at our progress.  More work needed done.  Sighing, I started to turn away.  Sunlight glistening caught my eye.  The frost had returned. 

It had been unseasonably warm this past week, highs in the sixties when the mercury should be reading twenty less.  I had forgotten the weatherman had predicted a return to the cold.  And, now I saw it. 

Wanting to capture more frost pictures, I grabbed a coat and my camera, and headed out the front door.  The only shoes easily accessible were my flip flops.  Tearing off my socks, I slipped them on, and out I went.  Five minutes later I returned to the warmth of the house, bid goodbye to my husband as he left for work, and hung up my coat and slipped back on my warm socks.

Pouring hot steaming coffee into my mug, I looked out the kitchen window at our back yard.  It was more beautiful than the front.  The rising sun cast light and heat on the morning frost, melting it slightly.  Thinking I would only be another five minutes, I grabbed the camera again but not my coat.  Outside the crisp air chilled me instantly, especially my bare toes.  Yet, I stayed.  The frost was melting, and tiny drops of water formed on frozen grass.  While my shots didn't turn out as well as I had hoped.  I did take one photograph to share today.

Today's photograph for the December Photo Project is frost on the daisy bed.

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