November 7, 2011

When You Think You Are Running Late

The light would fade in an hour or two, but I had dinner to make,
and no time to go before the meal. 

At dinner, I asked if any children wanted to come along. 
Only one volunteered. 

When the dishes were cleared, we left. 
The drive to our destination was short, just 20 minutes,
but the sun light was fading quickly.  And, I was in a hurry. 

Driving down the road, I became annoyed at slow, hesitant drivers. 
Didn't they know the light of the day was fading? 
Resisting the urge to speed past or follow too closely,
I silently stewed. 
Impatience welled inside of me as we stopped for yet another red light. 
We are going to miss any opportunity for beautiful shots. 

The sun was setting as we finally made it to the parking lot and parked. 
Looking upward this is what we saw:


We hadn't missed anything. 
We were not running late. 
Instead, we were right where He wanted us to be.
~ Dorie

...continuing my gratitude listing...

791.  being right where He wants us to be

792.  gorgeous skies to photograph

793.  a weekend of family fun

794.  an friendly art competition for the children to enter

795.  the Drummer working local again

796.  celebrating a child's birthday with horse shaped cake, tennis in the park, and miniature golf

797.  a fabulous flag football season completed

798.  meeting friends' new baby girl - so precious and sweet

799.  taking our children to the very woods I played in as a child

800.  sharing some childhood memories with my mom and children

...and so it goes...


  1. What a beautiful picture Dorie! Just lovely :) I'm always humbled when I feel like I'm late and then I realize that I'm right on His time. Happy Monday!!

  2. Thanks for the reminder that we are not late - we are on time for His purpose! And, beautiful photos!

  3. I love when God slows us down...beautiful picture...
    Blessings today~

  4. You know, my mantra is..."you are always right where you are suppossed to be." now if I could always believe that...

    Beautiful shots.. so glad you were "right on time"

  5. yes- right on time, indeed! He is never in a hurry. blessings from Uganda

  6. Stunning pictures! Glad that you didn't miss these shots. Thank you so much for sharing!

  7. What a glorious sunset. That was worth hurrying for.

  8. just beautiful sunset and I was thinking how I feel like you described some days. Blessings from over at Ann's today

  9. stopping by from Ann's place. Thanks for sharing you blessings today. Love number 800 too.

  10. HE painted it just for you!
    Counting with you today.

  11. beautiful. i told the kids the other day the God has a paintbrush...they didn't believe me! :)

    mountain mama

  12. very nice post thank you for sharing...God bless you

  13. I have been there and done that...been in a rush to do things my way and in my timing...oh that we would rest in His love.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.