September 16, 2011

When Plans Change

We hadn't planned on going so early in the season,
but the rains came and filled the streets with run off rivers.
Our yard gathered water into a low lying pond.
The holes from the children's dirt piles filled mud.
The roads we would travel closed,
forcing us to cancel our September camping trip.

Our hopes of a relaxing family time enjoying creation drained.
That night, disappointment reigned in our home.

With a calendar swiped clean and a weekend with no plans, we were free to try.  By Saturday morning, we decided to go.  Anticipation and hope for a fun family time mounted as we donned shorts and walking shoes.  Arriving weeks earlier than we expected, a morning of apple picking had arrived, a welcome comfort to our changed plans.

We meandered through tree rows, picking, laughing, and gathering.
Bags bursting with sweet fresh apples, we made our way to the check out and our van.

Across the street, another part of the orchard, grape vines still bore bunches of fruit.
On a whim, we decided to go, extending our enjoyment of creation.
Throughout the vineyard rows, we admired the beauty of leaves and grape bunches.

We inhaled a delicious concord aroma.
Excited novices, we asked the vineyard worker for a basket and cutting tool.
Gently, we tried our hands at cutting fruit from the vine.

Though it wasn't our original plan for a refreshing family time spent enjoying creation, it certainly turned out to be all that and more!


  1. What a nice way to turn changed events into a memory despite the circumstances!

  2. Sometimes those change of plans make for sweet memories!!

  3. You no doubt taught your children a nice lesson on handling disappointment. Well done!

  4. Sounds like your plan B for a family excursion turned-out very well. Who knows, maybe this was God's plan for your family after all. :)

  5. Wonderful! How blessed you are to be able to go fruit picking like that. We make our plans, and God directs our steps. A great lessons for our children to learn early on.


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