September 1, 2011

How to Help in Little Ways

Ladies, your kind comments and emails are completely right!  No matter how 'small' our act of service, the Lord looks at our hearts and motives.  Just because I may, at times, have limited vision, and feel like these 'small' helps are just a drop in the bucket, they really aren't.  To the people I help, these services do matter. 

Thank you for helping me to remember:
And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.  Colossians 3:17

For today, I have compiled a listing of some small acts of service, but I would greatly appreciate more ideas of ways to help others.  No idea is too small!  So, please feel free to add suggestions.

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord, and not for men, Colossians 3:23

We can't all be directors, leaders, or the person in the spotlight, but we all have opportunities to serve, to help in small ways that really do make a difference.

A dozen of these ways include...

1. make a meal for another family - Double what you are making your own family.  Fit the meal into nice containers that don't need to be returned and place them into a large gift bag.

2.  run errands - Do the needed errand alongside of your own errands.  Return library books for another or pick up a gallon of milk at the grocery store.

3.  shovel or clear your neighbors' sidewalks and driveways

4.  rake your neighbors' front yard (bonus: your children's leaf pile gets larger!)

5.  mow - One year, our neighbor's lawn mower broke down.  They were unable to mow for weeks as they tried to repair it.  We took to mowing their yard for them for those few weeks.

6.  care for pets - neighbors often go on day trips or weekends away and their furry friends need care

7.  lend tools, sports equipment, movies, books, or whatever you have to lend

8.  give gently used clothing or baby equipment to others

9.  send thank you notes to pastors, worship team members, special guests, greeters, teachers, etc - Too many people, pick one person or job a month and send out thank you notes to those individuals.  I've found simple sentiments of gratitude and encouragement are most appreciated.

10.  give flowers or vegetables from your garden - When in season, cut a bouquet from your own yard, tie a simple ribbon around the stems, or fix a basket of veggies to share.

11.  keep small Bibles in your purse or near the front door to give when the opportunity arises

12.  for a family grieving, deliver a 'beverage bag' - (this is my mom's idea)  Fill a brown paper bag with juices, soda, tea or hot chocolate packets, ground coffee, and disposable cups.  Families can serve guests who visit before or after the funeral services more easily.

Probably the easiest, but most often overlooked 'little' way to help
may indeed be the greatest way to help.
Simply put: PRAY.

~ Dorie


  1. great ideas...and many I use.. but Pray if my favorite. I have even taken to the response of someone calling for prayer to say " Lets pray right now!" and praying with them on the phone.. There is such comfort in hearing your need being lifted up in prayer.

  2. Love this post! Great ideas :-)

  3. You said so much!

    Though it may be obvious, just lending a hand, esp when it shows that it's needed...recently there were offers of helping with a downed tree and helping remove water from neighbor's basement. As Christians, we definitely don't want to keep to ourselves in our neighborhoods!

  4. Wonderful ideas - and these little thoughts can mean so much to someone who needs them :)

  5. These are all wonderful ideas. One small thing I appreciate others doing for me and I try to do for them is smile at someone when our glances meet. A smile is small but can do alot for someone who needs to see it.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.