September 27, 2011

For Forty Days

Some may already know, or participate on a local or national level, but for those of you who don't...
A campaign of forty days for life begins tomorrow.  It is a time of prayer, fasting, and community outreach.  For more information, please visit 40 Days for Life.  To find a local to you group, visit this link.  And for those of you who may want to know just how does this movement impact individual lives, you can read Abby Johnson's testimony in her book Unplanned.  The 40 Days of Life campaign played a role in her transformation from pro-choice to pro-life.

If you would like a copy of Unplanned for your very own, I have ONE copy to give away to someone with a mailing address within the United States of America.  
Please contact me via email, if you are interested. 

Comments are turned off for this post as this is not a giveaway contest.
Disclaimer: I am not financially compensated for telling you about this campaign or book, just spreading the word to those interested.  The book for giveaway is the same one I received for review purposes from Tyndale House Publishers.