August 5, 2011

You Are Doing What?!

Extended family and friends can make things more easy or difficult depending on their opinions and degree of vocalization.  Every homeschooling family has the task of informing their loved ones of their decision to homeschool.  We are no different. 

What happened when we told family and friends we intended to homeschool?
For us, some family members and friends needed to know what homeschooling is, how parents could fully educate their own children, and why we were choosing it.  Others knew neighbors or friends who homeschooled and shared these connections with us.  Reactions varied from those who supported us, questioned us, and condemned us.  Oddly, it is a topic that is rarely neutral. 

A few of the negative responses to our decision to homeschool...
You are doing what?!  What is that?
Is that even legal?
What about socialization? Will the children ever leave the house?

How did/do we react to negative opinions?
My husband and I chose not to be confrontational.  We preferred (and continue to prefer) to allow God, time, and circumstances to work on the hearts of those loved ones who remain opposed to homeschooling.

This concludes a week of posts
related exclusively to homeschooling. 
As I continue to prepare
for the upcoming school year,
these posts have helped me
focus my thoughts onto the task
of schooling our children. 
I hope you have found some value in them.
Next week, I will return
to posting on a variety of topics
which of course,
includes some homeschooling posts
from time to time. 

~ Dorie


  1. beautifully said...and good for you ing the high road for taking the high road.. Love that!

  2. Dorie, I enjoyed your posts on hs. It is tough to think we have to be on the defensive about our choices, but I agree if you just give some time and let God be great it all works for the best.

  3. yes, i recently was confronted with someone in the family about homeschooling. it did steal my peace. i wish everyone could trust that if they Lord has called us to do this then He will see us through.
    stepping off my box...:)

  4. This has been a great series, Dorie! I've learned quite a but from you :)

    It does amaze me that one of the first things people talk about it the lack of socialization in children who are homeschooled. I just don't see that as an issue.

  5. I like the calm and positive approach you are using with others to share your homeschooling experience. I'm praying that as you prepare for your new school year that you will be able to enjoy the experience without too much stress. :)


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.