The supplies bought.
A simple art lesson formed.
Appreciation and exploration intertwined.
A painting put up for all to see.
A few books selected.
Questions ready to ask.
Discussion points to prompt.
Project outlined.
Anticipation mounts.
Children called to join.
A deep breath taken to steady a wildly beating heart.
Will they like it?
Ever since I picked up a crayon at a young age, I have loved to draw. The school I attended offered art classes from sixth grade until graduation. I took almost every one, including print shop with the boys. I learned about art history on my own until college. Then enrolled in several classes. The dull professor with a monotone voice and lengthy lectures did not squelch my passion.
Today, one of my favorite pass times is visiting art museums. Though I could spend many uninterrupted hours gazing upon beautiful paintings and sculptures, there is dinner to be made and lessons to be taught. So, even as a busy homeschool mom, I still make time for art, often through teaching art classes (at home and in co-op settings) and leading field trips to art museums. It is my hope to share my love for art with my children.
Some of my favorite art resources are:
For Art Appreciation ~
I Spy Two Eyes: Numbers In Art
, by Lucy Micklethwait
I Spy an Alphabet in Art
, by Lucy Micklethwait
A Child's Book of Art
, by Lucy Micklethwait
Look Closer: Art Masterpieces Through the Ages
, by Caroline Desnoettes
, by Diane Stanley
Leonardo da Vinci
, by Diane Stanley
The Life and Work of series (each focusing on a particular artist and their work)
The Usborne Introduction to Art
, by Rosie Dickins and Mari Griffith
120 Great Impressionist Paintings
, published by Dover Publications
120 Great Paintings
, published by Dover Publications
Books that Include Art Instruction ~
Drawing with Children
, by Mona Brookes
How to Teach Art to Children
, published by Evan-Moor
Artistic Pursuits, by Brenda Ellis
The Usborne Art Treasury
, by Rosie Dickins
Geography Through Art: International Art Projects for Kids
, by Sharon Jeffus & Jamie Aramini
Online Resources ~
The Metropolitan Museum of Art: MuseumKids Explore & Learn
National Gallery of Art: NGA Kids Art History: Coloring Pages
The Notebooking Fairy: Georges Seurat and Pointillism, Bruegel, and Renaissance Art
~ Dorie
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I needed this - because I don't like art {gasp!!} but it's great to learn about resources that I can use for the girls!
ReplyDeleteThank you for putting such a great list together!