August 10, 2011

Celebrating the Years

We are a couple with no anniversary traditions.
We don't even give cards every year.
In fact, each anniversary we celebrate differently
as circumstances always vary year to year.
Some years, we have gone away over night, and
other years we have had late night take-out in our dining room.
Each celebration becomes a unique expression of our life together.

This year, we happened to be traveling to New Hampshire on our anniversary.
Since, a van filled with children and a dog was not very romantic,
we opted to celebrate the following day.

Leaving the children (and the dog as well) with their grandparents,
we borrowed a car and headed north.

So, how did we celebrate these 13 gracefilled years of marriage?

...with recreation,

a scenic overlook of Lake Squam from our hike,

the place we spent the night


a quiet place at the lakeside resort

...and revitalization.

the view from our room of Lake Winnipesaukee

We are tremendously grateful for this year's unique anniversary celebration.
It was an incredible blessing,
~ Dorie


  1. What a wonderful place to relax, renew and celebrate your love :)

  2. Happy anniversary to you and the Drummer! What a way to celebrate!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.