July 10, 2011

Value and Promise

When we were at the park exercising the dog (and us), I found myself and the dog walking behind all our children who were riding bicycles.  After about a mile along the paved path, our youngest hopped off his bike, tired from pedaling.  He did not stop, but pushed his bicycle down the path.  

What perseverance and determination! 

Then, as the dog and I picked up our walking pace to catch up to him (the rest of our children were beyond the scope of this photograph) I thought of this verse from I Timothy.

Linking up with Scripture & a Snapshot at Katie Lloyd Photography {the blog}


  1. So true. What a sweet picture!

  2. I'm thinking about the training wheels in this picture. I'm so glad God doesn't expect us to "get it" on our first try, but is gracious and merciful and we have such a magnificent teacher in the Holy Spirit. ~ Wonderful capture.

  3. I love this image and verse. What a champ! May he always have that king of determination.

  4. This is fantastic!! And I love what Stephani said about the training wheels!

  5. AnonymousJuly 12, 2011

    Really beautiful image-and the verse fits perfectly!

  6. AnonymousJuly 13, 2011

    Great thoughts, and I enjoyed the picture as well. As others have said, the picture fits the scripture very well.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.