July 29, 2011

Kindly Awarded

Personally, I am humbled by these two awards and the kindness of the wonderful women who sent them my way.  Thank you both!

Mountain Mama awarded this blog:

I'd like to pass it on to some ladies with style...

Aurie of Welcome to Our Good Life awarded this blog:

And, of course, I want to pass this one on as well...

* These two bloggers are currently taking a break, but I have greatly appreciated their posts in the past, and look forward to their return.

There are so many wonderful blogs I read and would love to share with you.  I'm hoping that you will click on the links to the above mentioned blogs including Mountain Mama's and Aurie's blogs.  They are all fantastic, and maybe there are a few 'new to you' blogs in the listings. 

These awards come with a few rules about telling some things about myself.  Since, I combined the awards into one post, I'm using the following seven for both (please refer to number 1).

1.  I'm not the best at following rules.  OK maybe those a life is in danger follow the rules rule, I'm good at following those, but these no one is gonna get hurt rules, not so much.

2.  There are four favorite things on my writing desk in the family room...a picture of my children, a mini painting (3"x3") made by my oldest son, a groundhog bolo tie that belonged to my grandfather from his days in the Groundhog Lodge (hangs from the desk lamp), and a rubber cow that can be squeezed so its eyes pop out from its head.

3.  I bought a vegetable brush several years ago with every intention of cleaning our produce to a shine, but I have only used it three times.  It just sits on the counter next to the spray nozzle.

4.  I like crisp mornings spent sitting on the front porch with a cup of hot, strong coffee (no milk, but definitely sugar).

5.  I prefer to read nonfiction books, but won't pass up a good fiction title.  Also, I prefer to read more than one book at a time.  This greatly perplexes my husband.  Currently, on the nonfiction side I'm perusing Of Plymouth Plantation, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God and Other Puritan Sermons, The Valley of Vision, The Missional Mom, and Organized Simplicity.  For fiction, I just finished Maud Hart Lovelace's Betsy-Tacy series, and have begun Emily of Deep Valley.

6.  I use to like very spicy food...then I got pregnant with our first child...now I eat more moderately seasoned foods.   I use to hate broccoli...then I got pregnant with our first child...now I tolerate it.  I didn't eat red meat...then I was pregnant with our second child...I craved bacon...now I enjoy a full range of red meat, including a good fillet mignon (medium well).

7.  I have to wear sunglasses in the sunlight, all year long...not for fashion, but because sunlight is one of my triggers for migraines.  It's been many months since my last migraine, and if wearing sunglasses helps, I'll don them regularly.

This was a fun way to end a busy week.
May you all have a great weekend!


  1. Such fun to learn more about you :)

    Hope you enjoy your weekend!

  2. Thank you so much for the award!

  3. Thank you Dorie for honoring me with this award. It was very kind of you to think about me. :)


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.