July 31, 2011

How to Help Educate Children Worldwide

Tomorrow, the calendar turns to August,
and thoughts slowly gravitate toward the beginning of school.
For most of us, another year of learning, understanding, and creating will emerge
as the lazy days of summer wane. 

However, for some impoverished communities worldwide 
the hope of a school year may not yet be realized. 
Or perhaps, an underprivileged student will attend your local school
without their own backpack filled with pencils and notebooks,
because they cannot afford their own supplies. 
Or perhaps a family who homeschools will not be able
to home educate this year due to hard times. 

a maple tree budding in early spring

Would you like to help?
Over the years that we have educated our children, my husband and I have helped other children get a better education in different ways.  Today, I have compiled a short list of web sites that offer opportunities to help educate children.  Each one of these charitable organizations has a unique way to help.

World Wide and Closer to Home:
Samaritan's Purse 2011 Gift Catalog (gifts #5 and #9 are educational specific)
World Vision - SchoolTools
Sunday Breakfast Missions - Back to School Rally

Homeschool Specific:
The Home School Foundation

Perhaps one of these will be a way for you to help another child, family, or community, as your family gets ready for the start of school this month.
the same red maple tree in mid-summer 

Of course, there are more organizations that help.  If anyone would like to add another, please do so in the comment section so we may all benefit from the information or link.
~ Dorie

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