June 21, 2011

Summertime Read Alouds

Over the school years, we have read aloud from a great many books 
including nonfiction, fiction, poetry, short stories, and biographies. 

Words and stories poured over and pondered together,
creating a library of knowledge amongst us.

During summer breaks, we continue reading aloud.  One year, we read Gone Away Lake, and another, Pinky Pye

This year, an abridged version of Robinson Crusoe with N.C. Wyeth illustrations and  

The Penderwicks, a read through inspired by this post, are captivating our imaginations.

We'll finish both shortly, and are looking for another summertime read.  Any suggestions?


  1. When cleaning my basement I found two more Little House books from the Rose Years. They are on my summer list...as well as some more Maud Hart Lovelace, but I think you may have read all the appropriate ones with your girls already.

    I also want to read Cricket in Time Square to M. My Father's Dragon came well-recommended (not by you, right?), but M didn't love it on audio, though I liked it.

  2. OH - I loved The Penderwicks as a child!! I haven't thought about that book in ages :)

  3. This is my first time commenting here. I found you through Pam's blog role :). You have a lovely blog.

    My dd 11 is enjoying the Redwall series. I had only put one on her list for the summer and she is already on book 4 :) She enjoyed the Penderwicks last summer and has the third book on her list this summer. (she is a voracious reader, I have to slower her down sometimes!)

    I'm really enjoying our family read aloud: A Nest for Celeste. My 11, 7, 6, and 4 yr olds are all enjoying this one. Because of the little ones, this tends to go very slow and that's o.k. it's summer.

  4. How about Heidi or The Secret Garden?

    (And if you have read them already, would you recommend for a 4/5 year old?)

  5. I just took a picture recently of our stack of summer reading also! :) I forget the ages of your readers but we just finished My Book House Volume 1 and Mr. Popper's Penguin's (both which we got at the library) and we loved them! :)


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.