May 25, 2011

ROY G. BIV ~ The Flower Edition

All last week, it rained.  Everyday, it rained in sprinkles, showers, or down pours.
Occasionally, the sun would burst forth, and sun beams illuminated leaves and flowers.

It was stunning, but fleeting.  The rains quickly returned.
Daily, the sun shined and rain poured.  
Creating a recipe for rainbows, but none were found in the sky.
However, sunshine and rain when combined, also enable flowers like these to grow,
creating a rainbow of their own a lot closer to the ground.

And most rainbows have a cloud or two somewhere nearby...


Except for the first blue iris photograph, all of these photographs {along with the two in the current header}
were taken during our last visit to the local garden and conservatory.


  1. Dorie - the flowers are beautiful, and you are so right - all the rain produced an amazing array of flowershere on the ground!

  2. AnonymousMay 25, 2011

    Beautiful! Great photography.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.