May 17, 2011

Precious Time Well Spent

Two weekends ago, in honor of Mother's Day, my mom and I spent an afternoon together
just the two of us. 

 After a leisurely lunch, we traveled to a local museum and wooded garden.

We toured the museum and gardens with two well informed guides,
saw beautiful sights indoors and out, and talked and laughed. 

We spoke about the precious and the trivial, while sharing our hearts, joys, mishaps, and trials.

Though my mom and I haven't always lived close, currently about an hour drive apart, I appreciate what a gift the time we spend together is.

This past weekend, I had another chance to visit with loved ones as my husband's parents traveled to our home.  We will all remember the good times shared, and look forward to another visit soon.  I greatly appreciate how they took the time to visit us. 

Phone calls, emails, letters, and the like are wonderful ways to connect with others,

but how precious is time spent visiting in person with loved ones.

~ All of these photographs were taken during the time spent visiting with my mom.  I'm grateful she likes taking pictures almost as much as I do and for those times when she was waiting for me to take a few more, her gracious patience.


  1. What a precious blessing this time visiting must have been! And WOW those pictures are AMAZING!!!!

  2. How wonderful that you were able to be blessed by her and she was able to bless you! Such a marvelous gift!!


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