May 6, 2011

Enjoying "Mommy & Me" Time

It may just be a requirement, or perhaps an annual right of passage?  Either way, it is a yearly event for us: standardized testing. 

Every spring, while trees green and flowers bloom, our school aged children sit within four walls filling in ovals for three days.  They happen to love taking these tests.  {My husband and I haven't quite figured out why, but we'll go with it.  It sure makes taking them to be tested a pleasant experience.} 

So, this past week, while the three older children took their standardized tests, my youngest son and I had some time together.  The three days of time for just he and I were a blessing. 

One day, we went to a local flower and garden store to buy some annuals to plant.  My son helped me pick out flower types and colors.  The choices he made are all the flowers featured in these photographs - didn't he do well?

When we returned home, he helped plant them.  We even put some flowers near the play house.  These will be his to water and tend.  {This is something we have done for each of the children when they were about his age.}     

Another day, we went to the library and found a few good books to check out.

The shelves were stocked with new books, and we 'pillaged' them. 

I even found a few for myself to peruse.

Although I enjoy spending time with all the children at once, it is a nice change of pace to spend time with each of them individually.  This week happened to afford a chance for my youngest son and I.  In the weeks to come, I look forward to spending quality, individual time with each of my other children, as well.


  1. How lovely that you were able to have special time together :) The flowers are beautiful!!

  2. What precious memories you are building. Way to use the time so well!


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