January 9, 2011

Playing in the 'Snow'

This week, the L.E.N.S. Photo Challenge at Home is Where You Start From is weather. 
Yesterday, our area had a small snow fall of about an inch. 
The children were still excited to go outside and play.
This photograph was taken from the corner of our home, looking out to the front yard
where my oldest daughter was delighted to be pulled about on a sled by her siblings.
To see other participant's photographs capturing weather, visit this week's photo challenge.

L.E.N.S. button #2


  1. I love this shot! Very pretty!

  2. This is a very good shot.... snow heading our way tonight! fun fun!

  3. We went sledding today too but we had a bit more snow! I love this shot! It could be titled, "maximizing your opportunities!"

  4. I like how the shrub is still, but the sledders are definitely in motion! Fun photo!

  5. Fun Picture! I like the stillness and main-ness of the bush with the action behind it!

  6. Cute photo of your daughter in the snow. Thanks for stopping by my blog with your kind remarks. Snow's on the ground here tonight.

  7. Love how all the color is in your sledder--where the life really is!

  8. that looks like so much fun! I really like the motion of the sledder.

    thank you for sharing with us!


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