January 5, 2011

Face to Face

We are driving down a road we travel on about twice a week, when my youngest son announces
in a matter of fact tone,
"This is Mexico." 

I reply, "No, honey, we are in the USA."
"No," he insists, "This is Gulf Mexico!"
Why would he think that? 
I rack my brain trying to figure out how he heard about the Gulf of Mexico,
as he has never been to Mexico or the Gulf of Mexico,
 and just why he insists this is it.
Earlier that day, he had played for a long time with a talking globe
making it sing about the oceans and animals.
Maybe he heard about the Gulf of Mexico then. 
Perhaps that talking toy globe is teaching him a thing or two after all, I think. 

I'm rudely awaken from my momentary pondering with
"I saw the gulf. 
He's shouting it now. 
He's frustrated that I don't understand. 
We are driving down the road, and I cannot take my eyes off the road to turn and look at him.
He communicates better when we can look at each other.
Then, I can understand the gestures, nuances, and meanings of the words he is trying to communicate.
I often say to him something like, "Let me see your eyes" or "Look at me, Honey."

Now, at this moment,
there is no chance for that.
The traffic is thick on this main road.
I cannot turn around.
We cannot look into each other eyes.


a thought
occurs to me...

we had passed the golf course.
Maybe, just maybe 
Golf = Gulf
in his four year old vocabulary.
I attempt to explain...
 "You see the Gulf OF Mexico
(I stress the 'of' as if that tiny word will help explain it all to him)
 is a body of water.
  The golf you saw was a game played with clubs and a ball.
 The two words just sound the same. 
 Do you understand?" 

"I don't understand," he sighs. 
"This looks like Mexico."
I know he's frustrated, because he still doesn't understand.
I tell him we'll discuss it when we get home.
We are almost there.
Then I won't have to drive and explain.
We'll be face to face,
and I will be able to see his eyes...

And I know how he feels.

For I see in part,

I know in part,

and I have to wait

until I am home

in heaven




with Jesus

to know

and understand


"For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face;
now I know in part, but then I will know fully
just as I also have been fully known."
I Corinthians 13:12 (NASB)

This post has been linked to Word Filled Wednesday at Internet Cafe Devotions
and iFellowship at Seeds of Faith.
Both are wonderful places to fellowship and be encouraged from God's Word.


  1. I am your newest follower from IFellowship. Looking forward to reading more of your posts!

    Isn't it wonderful how the mind of a child works, and how our minds work in the same ways in response to our Heavenly Father?

  2. Perfectly worded...

    Poor guy!

    I wonder how many times God tries to clarify something that I just don't get.

  3. he's so cute, i love the way you used the story of your lil boy to explain the scripture, the verse reminded me once again that there are things in this world that i couldn't understand or questions that remained unanswered and maybe i can only get the answer when I see my Savior face to face,or maybe i don't need the answer anymore when i see Him face to face, just seeing His glory is enough answer.

  4. I can't wait until it'll all be clear... all the questions answered. Thanks for the great message! You have a beautiful son. :)

  5. I'm glad God's need a translator for me. Its so frustrating not to be heard! Happy Ifellowship Day

  6. It's frustrating at times, isn't it? This world of shadows that we live in. How I long for the day when I shall see Him face-to-face and really KNOW!

    Great illustration for that -- it's one that will stick with me, I'm sure.

  7. What a great post - and adorable pictures! Thank you for sharing. Have a wonderfully blessed WFW.

  8. Beautiful post with an adorable little man! Stopping by from iFellowship today.

  9. When I have similar conversations with my girl, I often think that this is how God must feel with us, at times. Blessings to you!

  10. I love your photos and the thoughts that you shared. We do only see in part... and how often do we sound like your little one before our Father!

    Happy Word-filled Wednesday!

  11. Wow! What a beautiful account that we can all relate to for this Scripture. I loved it! Thanks for sharing and being a blessing.

  12. Dorie,

    First, I have to say that your "little man" is quite adorable. Such beautiful pictures of him. :)

    At any rate, the story that you told between you and your son touched my heart. I could feel his frustration when he sighed, "I don't understand."

    Our life is alot like that, isn't it? We just don't always understand what God is doing, and we won't until we see Him face to face.

    Thank you for sharing this great illustration and beautiful story with us. :)


    -Lady Rose

  13. Blessings Dorie, What a precious child! Great photos of his sweet expressions! Are you sure you're not in Mexico? (lol) I am.

    Beautiful way to illustrate the Word!

    I, like your son, have many things that are unclear but I'm listening and trust for the day and the promise of us 'face to face' to have it fully revealed! Hope you were able to clear this confusion up! Thank you for sharing this story... I love the books you shared below!

    Love and peace,

  14. I was smiling looking at your son, he is so cute....thanks for the encouraging words.

  15. Oh, he is precious. He probably did hear it on his globe. That is a wonderful verse too. Blessings ~


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