December 21, 2010

Simple Celebrations

There are so many ways to celebrate this amazing season

with a focus on the miracle that is Christmas.

While we enjoy a variety of activities that center on Christ during the Christmas season,
it is sometimes the 'simpliest' ways that create the best memories for our family.

A few of these that we enjoy are:

attending Christmas Eve worship service at our church,

reading the Christmas story found in Luke 2 on Christmas morning,

learning and singing Christmas carols that are Christ centered,

having a Nativity scene just for playing,

and putting on a family Nativity play.

What are your favorite ways to

celebrate the gift of Jesus at Christmas?


  1. We attend Christmas Eve service as a family, which I really look forward! Since my husband is a minister, it is rare that we can all sit & worship together.

    We have a wooden nativity set that is out for the girls to play with - actually it stays out year round.

    This year we found "The Donkey's Song" in board book form which has been a wonderful way to talk about Jesus' birth.

    We bake cookies & treats together too!

    Merry Christmas!

  2. One word water buffalo (okay maybe that's two)

    A delight to meet you today! I hope you don't mind if I splash around a bit to get to know you. This looks like a refreshing place to get seriously drenched in goodness.

    Have a joy filled, love overlfow Christmas,


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.