November 5, 2010

Yarn Spider

Spinning Spiders (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 2)During his tree and forest study, our preschooler learned about some specific animals including bears, birds, and spiders.  Using Spinning Spiders, by Melvin Berger, we learned interesting facts about all kinds of spiders and webs.  My son focused on spiders eating only liquid, how they 'liquified' their food, and the animals that ate spiders.  I preferred reading about the web variety, especially the funnel web of the grass spider and how the ogre-faced spider carries its web with it. 

After reading through the book together, my son and I attempted a yarn spider picture.  It was a bit messy to complete, but nothing a little soap and water couldn't fix.  Once it dried, I think it turned out nicely.

To complete this project...

black yarn
liquid glue
white dimensional paint
blue paper

1.  Use the white dimensional paint to create a web on the blue paper.

2.  Allow the web to dry.
3.  Trace, or draw, two circles on the web.  One larger circle for the body and one smaller circle for the head.
4.  Draw eight legs coming off of the body to the web.
5.  Fill one circle with a moderate amount of liquid glue.
Here's where it starts to get messy....
6.  Start in the middle of the circle and coil the yarn around until the circle is filled.  Press down yarn as you go.
7.  Do the same with the other circle.
8.  Measure and cut the amount of yarn needed for each leg.
9.  Run a line of liquid glue on one leg at a time.  (Yeah, it doesn't work so well to do all or part at once, just take my word for it...)

10.  Affix the yarn leg by pressing it gently to the paper.
11.  Repeat until each leg is completed. 

This post has been shared with
Preschool Corner at Homeschool Creations
Read. Explore. Learn. at JDaniel4's Mom
The Preschool Parade at The HomeSchool Village
Show and Tell at ABC and 123


  1. Oh my son would looooove this! the hubby? scared to death! LOL I just may have to do this craft with him sometime (my son that is! :) ) I'm stopping by from the Preschool corner link up.

  2. Great project-it turned out really cute. I saved the link so I can remember to do it (and link back to you) next year!

  3. Very cool idea...Thanks:) new follower from the preschool corner link up.

    Forest Rose

  4. This is so cute! Glue goes everywhere when we work with it too. I think I would like to read about webs too. The killing part isn't my favorite part. Thanks for linking to Read.Explore Learn.

  5. Cute project! I've added this link to my Itsy Bitsy spider article.

  6. What a fun activity. Thanks for stopping in at my place and commenting on our money lesson. I'm now enjoying your blog as well.


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