October 22, 2010

A Week in Review

We just finished our 10th week of school,
and I thought it would be fun to do a review of the week.
After a brief summary of each day,
I highlighted a favorite homeschooling moment for each day.

Monday - We schooled with a 'typical' day, completing all the lessons for that day.  After their lessons, the girls helped to make fudge as a thank you for their Upward cheerleading coaches.  The season ends soon.  After dinner, the oldest three children attended choir.  They are preparing for an early December Christmas Concert.  Two of the songs they are learning are in German and Latin. 

Favorite ~ Today, my youngest daughter started a week-long study of the Aboriginal people of Australia.  From within our own home, I was able to show her a boomerang, carving, and dot painting from Australia that family and friends have given us after their travels to Australia.

Tuesday - Another 'typical' school day for us.  After their lessons, the girls packaged the fudge and homemade cards to be delivered later that evening.  Following dinner, the oldest three children and my husband headed off for their last Upward fall sports league practices.  My husband coaches our oldest son's flag football team.

Favorite ~ For this day, it was a tie between sharing the poem "The Road Not Taken," by Robert Frost with my oldest daughter and teaching my youngest daughter about the composer Tchaikovsky.

Red Herring Mysteries: Solving Mysteries Through Critical Questioning, Level 1/Grades 4-6Wednesday - The children completed their lessons in core classes in the morning, and after lunch attended a science co-op class.  The oldest two children  learned about the moon.  Our youngest daughter learned about mammals.
After dinner, all four children went to AWANAs.

Favorite ~  On this day, my oldest son and I worked through a problem in his Red Herring Mysteries book, published by The Critical Thinking Co.  We always have fun figuring out the 'mystery' and this week was no different.

Dangerous JourneyThursday - Again, the children completed a 'typical' day.  Later, in the afternoon, we visited a local park for a time of play before dinner.  We met friends there.  The park was just lovely this time of year.

Favorite ~  Our oldest daughter has completed Dangerous Journey in her literature studies.  Today, as a wrap up activity, she created a map depicting Christian's journey and encounters with others.

The Story of Rolf and the Viking Bow (Living History Library)Friday - Today, we spent most of the day at co-op.  Our Friday co-op generally meets twice a month and provides the children with wonderful 'extra' classes such as art, music, and physical education.  My favorite classes are art related.  The children enjoy all their classes and look forward to the Fridays spent attending this co-op.

Favorite ~ Since this is the last day of this school week, I will pick a favorite for the week.  Our current read aloud, The Story of Rolf and the Viking Bow, has kept our interest and is proving to be an enjoyable story line for all our children.  We are midway through the book, and I will reserve a final opinion of the book until we are finished, but so far it has been an excellent read.

This is our week in review.  Not all of our weeks follow the pattern of this week, but I would deem this one an 'average' week for us at this time of the year.  To check out other homeschooler's weeks check out this week's Weekly Wrap Up link-up.


  1. Welcome to the Wrap-Up! It sounds like a great week. Your Australia study sounds wonderful. I was blessed to be able to visit when we were stationed in Guam. It was definately the trip of a life time.

  2. Ok -- the fudge looks GOOD!

  3. Great week! Love the idea of a favorite of the day. I keep meaning to pick a favorite thing for each week, but somehow forget when I go to write everything out.

  4. WOW, it looks like you had a great week! Thanks for sharing with us at Faithful Friday Followers. Have a great weekend!

  5. Great week, yes? We read Dangerous Journey last year as well. My kids enjoyed it. We're reading Amos Fortune as a read-aloud right now. My oldest dd is very interested in early American history so she's drinking it in.
    p.s. Osage oranges are not edible. They grow on trees with very woody trunks (the trees almost look brush-like). They can be messy, as they contain a sticky sap-like substance that sometimes oozes from them as they rot. Still, they make beautiful outside decorations. They're believed to keep spiders away if you place them around your house, but no scientific proof there.

  6. Sounds like a great week -- and yummy-looking fudge! :)


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