October 6, 2010


As in water face reflects face,
So the heart of man reflects man.
Proverbs 27:19 (NASB)

What does this verse say to me today?

I think of how little I actually look in the mirror to check my outward appearance.  On a daily basis, I may check my appearance a few times, and definitely before heading out the door, but I am not one to spend a lot of time in front of  a mirror.  Truthfully, I just don't have the time, and have become 'low maintenance' out of necessity.

Thinking about that and looking at the above verse, I began to wonder how much time I spend reflecting on what is coming out of my heart.  Do I spend as little time 'checking' my heart in God's mirror, His Word,
as I spend on checking my hair in the mirror?  Do I take a 'low maintenace' approach to my spiritual life?

May this never be so!  However, an honest assessment would reveal that yes, sometimes, I don't take the time to check my heart, including attitudes, motives, and thoughts, before I act.  These are the times when I'm not reflecting God's glory or His grace.  These are times when I have wasted an opportunity to share His love with others.  As this saddens my heart, I have decided to memorize this verse.  It is my hope that by memorizing these words, I will be reminded to examine my heart more often, and allow my Savior to be reflected through me more often.

I had already prepared this post, but was asked to share how I memorize Scripture, and wanted to include that information as well.  I tend to take a read, write, and review approach to memorizing.  I like to read the verse over and over in my Bible.  Then, I write it on in a 'notebook' of index cards.  This 'notebook' sits on its side above my kitchen sink, open to the verse I am currently working on memorizing or the verse that I am reflecting and pondering that day.  While I work in my kitchen, I work on memorizing the Scripture.  Since I'm in my kitchen a lot, this tends to work for me. 
Today, I'll be linking this post with both Mustard Seed Planting at Mom's Mustard Seed
and Word Filled Wednesday at Internet Cafe Devotions.


  1. I love your post, your scripture and your way of memorizing scripture!! Thank you for linking up this morning....and sharing! It seems that many of us choose low maintenance in both physical and spiritual. I need accountability in my spiritual....otherwise, my Type A personality takes over and I have to be perfect at everything...and forget to rest in my Savior's arms and allow His way to direct my path!

  2. Lovely - it is challenge to take time to look at hearts instead of outward appearances. Happy iFellowship Day

  3. Great blog...following from iFellowship! That's a great verse, and it's one that I have meditated on in recent weeks. (Although I feel a little sheepish that your post stands in such contrast to my tongue-in-cheek one today lamenting my few gray hairs...LOL!) I'm glad God cares more about my heart than the mirror does.

  4. Dorie....this was fantastic! What an perfect question to meditate on..."Do I take a low maintenance approach to my spiritual life?" WHEW...I hope not, but it is easy to slip when we aren't looking inward...Awesome post today!


  5. Wow. I love your insight to this verse. Very eye opening for me. Thank you for sharing!

  6. Wow! What a thought!!! I love this, "Do I take a 'low maintenace' approach to my spiritual life?"

    I too take a low maintenance to my appearance in the mirror on certain days. May I never do so spiritually!!!

    Here from iFellowship! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  7. Dorie, I recently came across that verse in my reading and it really stood out to me. Your reflections bring another dimension to my pondering on that verse. Thanks for sharing.

  8. I needed this post today. I've been feeling kind of, well, run-down looking: old, graying, sagging, out of shape, overweight. You know how it goes?

    But your post lit up my life! Something about the heart reflecting the person puts a whole new slant on my self-assessment. I'm feeling pretty good about myself right now!

    If you have time in your iFellowship visits, I invite you to stop by mine at #15 - Home For The Holidays.

  9. Definitely don't want a "Low maintenance Approach", but want God to be a central part of my life. Great post!!

    Visiting from iFellowship! :)
    Have a great day!

  10. Dorie:

    When I saw the title of your post I was drawn to visit. (The name of my blog is Reflections.) This is a very thought provoking post. I love what you said about a "low maintenance approach" to our spiritual lives. I don't want to do this, but be a reflection of Jesus.

    Great post and beautiful photo.



Thank you for sharing your thoughts.