October 27, 2010

Known By Our Fruit

"...So every good tree bears good fruit,

but the bad tree bears bad fruit.

A good tree cannot produce bad fruit,

nor can a bad tree produce good fruit.

Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.

So then, you will know them by their fruits." ~ Jesus

Matthew 7:17-20 NASB

But the fruit of the Spirit is...










Galatians 5:22-23a NASB

Originally, I was not going to add anything to this post.
God's Word says it all, and what could I possibly add to it?
That being true, I could not resist explaining how this post came about...
Recently, we traveled to an orchard and I took all these photographs there.
As I mulled over the condition of the fruit: some good and some bad,
the Lord caused me to remember these verses,
and my focus turned from the orchard's fruit to evaluating the fruit in my own life.
It is my hope that these verses will be the blessing to you today as they are to me.

This post has been shared for Word Filled Wednesday at Internet Cafe Devotions,
and today, I am linking up with iFellowship at Seeds of Faith
Stop by either, or both, of these sites for a refreshing time in God's Word
and fellowship with other ladies of faith. 


  1. It's a sobering truth, isn't it? And I know I want to bear good fruit for Him!

    I love how God gave us examples in nature so that we can see and be reminded often of the principles in His Word. He is so smart!

  2. Dorie, I always love the message behind these fruit verses. You photos emphasis it beautifully. Nothing like a visual to impact a message.

    I loved this, thank you! Happy WFW!

  3. Its a challenge to think about our lives - we all bear fruit whether we like it or not - it is the quality of that fruit that is our choice.
    Happy iFellowship Day

  4. This is Meghan's theme at school this year, and I have found myself thinking about my fruit a lot, too.

    Beautifully illustrated.

  5. It's amazing...yours and mine go so beautifully together..."we are known by our fruit" and we are known by "our scent." What a wonderful thought to ponder...how COOL is it that God gives us such lessons as we walk through an orchard?


  6. Dorie - I LOVE this!!!

    I love this entire chapter. I think my most treasured lesson was the part that says, He prunes the ones that bear fruit. So if I'm experiencing pruning... TAKE HEART! It means I was doing something right and He wants to make it even better!

    Happy iFellowship Day!

  7. The pictures add such visual meaning to that verse. Thank you for this message today!

  8. Great post. Good idea to get the pictures while out in the orchard.

  9. what perfect illustrations for the verse! And, I must admit, I've never thought to take pictures of "bad" apples. Nicely done! Hopping over from ifellowship - blessings to you!

  10. Great post! These pictures are wonderful. Truly beautiful. And the scripture challenges us all to check ourselves and see what kind of fruit we are growing in our lives. Thank you for sharing this today. Blessings!

  11. Dorie, before I read your post-photos comment, and actually immediately after I viewed the first photo, I thought, "This is absolutely beautiful." Our Lord IS beautiful. His word speaks to us so clearly at times, like your day in the orchard. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  12. This is a very nice post! Me and my wife are both Christians and we love the word of God! Stop by for a visit if you would like. God bless!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.