September 2, 2010

Over the Doorframes

Some may think of Deuteronomy 6:9
"Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates"

Some may think we just wanted an excuse to write on our walls...

But the truth is, we wanted to paint a permanent reminder of Who we serve and why on the walls of our home.

The first two pictures depict words from a favorite hymn and the last picture shows Joshua 24:15.  I used easy to erase pencil guidelines and permanent paint markers found in any craft store.  The words were written free hand. 

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Freehand? I can make a poster okay, but I would not be willing to writing on our walls freehand. For several years now I have told Derek I want to put Joshua 24:15 above our door. It hasn't happened bc I just wasn't sure how to make it happen. YOU have definitely inspired me. You have lovely writing!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.