August 26, 2010

Recording Growth

     When our children were younger, I couldn't decide between a growth chart to hang on the wall or the typical pencil marks on the wall.  Neither seemed to be a right fit for us.  So, I designed and painted our own on a narrow wall just outside the family room.
As the entire design was meant to be uncomplicated, the main line is the stem of a simple five petal flower.
The middle and bottom sections have leaves and large numbers mark off each foot. 
Using a separate color paint marker for each child created a code of sorts to track each child's individual growth throughout the years.  Typically, I mark growth once a year during the summer.  These pictures were taken prior to permanently recording this year's growth.

Please Note: This post has been linked to
Homemaking Link-Up at Raising Homemakers
The Domestic Artist at A Wise Woman Builds Her Home

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